
How to Make Your Home a Holiday by Deena Pantalone National Homes

Are your days blurring into your weekends? Feeling a little low about having to #stayhome?  Treat your QuaranTEAM to a special weekend away from the routine with these tips for Staycation activities we compiled:

  1. Take a Trip to a Hotel (at home):  For the real hotel experience put on your best sheets, fluff the pillows, add some flowers and offer turn down service with a warm cookie before bed. If you are feeling adventurous, try making a resort-style towel animal! https://kickback.com.au/blog/towel-animals/
  2. Take a Trip to a Day Spa! Flowers, candles and some bubble bath can work wonders. But if you want to go a little further here are some ideas for upgrading you’re at-home facials and other spa services: https://www.prima.co.uk/fashion-and-beauty/anti-ageing-and-skincare/how-to/a36612/make-diy-spa-at-home-luxury-treatments/
  3. Take at Trip to Puerta Backyarda:  Sun yourself in the backyard with a beach towel and a cold drink. Or if you are feeling adventurous set up a backyard movie theatre and have the kids draw construction paper tickets and create drive-in cars out of cardboard boxes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFwmOQHPEOQ
  4. Take a Trip Into Your Imagination: Stay off of social media and screens for a few days and read some fun and fanciful fiction instead. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/list/791/best-gifts-fiction-fans?ref=PRH900A93C059&utm_source=PRH_Canada&utm_medium=Advertising&utm_content=&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Mother%27s_Day_2020_Campaign_Google_Search_-_Fiction_Book_Listicle&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9PWmyNSc6QIVip-zCh0IPANrEAAYASAAEgIYbvD_BwE
  5. Take a Trip Around The World:  Many of the world’s best museums are offering online tours. https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2020/04/02/these-museums-are-offering-free-virtual-tours/

However you spend it, we hope you enjoy the weekend!

Stay safe. Be well. Enjoy your home.