Smart Cities of the Future
Gleaming towers of glass, jetpacks and elaborate monorail systems that look more like space age roller coasters than public transportation. For generations people have been imagining what the city of the future would be like and we are now closer than ever to having entire cities built around digital technology that will maximize efficiencies and solve many of the challenges cities face.
It isn’t going to be long before buildings, utilities, transportation, security, agriculture and industry are all seamlessly integrated. Imagine an entire AI interconnected smart traffic system with self-driving cars, smart street lights with built in cameras, smart wayfinding, bus stops and crosswalks, bike sharing networks, car sharing and improved mobility solutions. Picture automated trash collection with underground chutes keeping trucks off the main roadways. Buildings that can monitor energy consumption and water levels, pressure, flow rate, and chemical composition in real-time.
Well sophisticated architecture like this is happening right now in select cities around the world. Forward looking cities like Barcelona, Singapore, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver and others are blazing trails by connecting and integrating frameworks for municipal services.
There are so many benefits:
- Better urban mobility options support inclusion in vulnerable populations like persons with disabilities and the elderly.
- Urban centres are home to 82% of the population. Smart roadways and car/bike sharing are not only good for the environment but will reduce congestion on roadways.
- Smart buildings that monitor water, gas and electricity consumption and performance are reported to improve general efficiency levels by 15-20% in the first year.
- Smart buildings keep operating costs low by using less energy and allowing for preventative maintenance.
- Water leaks are responsible for a loss of 32 billion cubic meters of water annually, monitoring will help prevent water scarcity.
It’s important that the Real Estate industry stays ahead of the rapid changes in urban planning and embraces ongoing transformation. Because going Smart isn’t just science fiction, it’s beneficial for everyone.